Success building ESP-ADF with Audio command into Micropython?

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Success building ESP-ADF with Audio command into Micropython?

Postby bschuhma » Tue Aug 01, 2023 12:44 pm

Hi all, new here...

I have a project where I need a relatively low cost Bluetooth BLE board with audio processing... I'd prefer not to use I2S, and the ESP32-A1S looked like a sure fit. I have micropython compiled onto it, but nowhere in the menuconfig did I get to choose which audio board I have. The build instructions at ... python_adf look to be about 3 years old and they mention a board selection file that doesn't exist anymore: ${ADF_PATH}/micropyton_adf/sdkconfig.adf

Has anyone had success building ESP-ADF with the 'audio' command into an ESP32-A1S and gotten audio out of the headphones? Is there a Howto on this somewhere? I've searched everywhere and pretty much keep coming back to the old instructions (above) on Github. In my searching I have seen some screenshots of running " menuconfig" that shows a HAL entry where you can pick which board you have, but I don't see that when I run menuconfig in my /Users/bret/personal/esp/esp-adf/micropython_adf/ports/esp32 directory.

FWIW, I've got esp-idf v5.1, esp-adf master branch. My ESP32-A1S seems to be the newer one with the ES8388 chip. The board has "ESP32 Audio Kit v2.2 A247" printed on it.

I'd be very grateful for someone to give me a shove in the right direction and/or correct any misconceptions I might have on this! :-) Would I have better luck/support with another chip - the ESP-WROOM-32 - perhaps? It doesn't have a headphone jack, but I might be able to add one.



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