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Receive data from a2dp and play over hfp

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 6:33 pm
by Vbansal1996
I am working on the project where I need to store the data coming over a2dp and play that data over hfp.

I am writing data to the partition for fast access but some how I am failing.

When I hear the music over hfp its is coming at very low sample rate, hearing very broad/heavy sound for music

I tried to manipulate the sampling rate over a2dp but didn’t get any success.

If anyone can help that will be great.

Re: Receive data from a2dp and play over hfp

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 3:55 pm
by hnt510
HFP spec only support 8khz with cvsd codec, and 16khz with msbc, therefore it is very normal that you got a bad sound quality.