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i2s_read() buffer accessing

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 5:38 pm
by xhensa
We are obtaining audio data with a microphone connected via i2s on our ESP32-WROOM-32. As we acquire data we would like to compute the fft of this signal and for this purpose we would like to take the data in an overlapping manner. For instance, we'd like to take the samples [1,256] in the first computation. Then in the second computation we'd like to take the samples [128, 383] and in the third we want the samples numbered [256,511] and so it goes. However, i2s_read() function allows us to take the data as non-overlapping chunks. As I read from the document of i2s_read(), there are no parameters that we can dictate the address of buffer that we'd like to read from. So, how can we access the data in an overlapping manner? Or is there a better solution for this problem?