Help with realtime audio streaming from ESP32 to Smarthphone

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Help with realtime audio streaming from ESP32 to Smarthphone

Postby f3nixx2019 » Sun Jul 07, 2019 11:37 pm

Hello there, first of all, I'm new here and this is a great from. I have some doubts about a project I'm doing and I need help.
I have a ESP32 WROOM with a I2S MEMS MIC (SPH0645). What I want to do is to capture the audio from the mic (at least 16 kHz) and in "real time" send that audio through WIFI to an smarthphone, so I can receive that stream and process it with filters (Low pass, high pass, etc) in an android app.

The questions I have:
-Can this be made?
-How is the noise of the ESP32? Have anyone tried it?
-You recommend wifi or bt to do this?.
-And, I know I will have to implement a buffer to send the audio, can this be done in the ESP32 or I need an sdcard?

Greetings and thank you very much!

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