How can I record clear and loud voice more than 1 meter in ESP32-Lyrat

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How can I record clear and loud voice more than 1 meter in ESP32-Lyrat

Postby xup-esp » Sun Jan 31, 2021 1:38 pm

Dear All,

I tried to play example "pipeline_amr_sdcard" to record voice to sdcard using ESP32-Lyrat V4.3, but unfortunately when the distance more than 1 meter, the voice is hard to hear by playing the recorded file in PC even turning the volume to maximum. I check the ES8388.c driver found that the register ALC is not on and ADCControl1 is the maximum 0xbb. It seems nothing can't be adjusted to enhanced the microphone gain. How can I record clear and loud voice more than 1 meter in ESP32-Lyrat?


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Re: How can I record clear and loud voice more than 1 meter in ESP32-Lyrat

Postby redpanda » Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:03 am

Same issue to me.... I played music on a smartphone with loud volume and it is placed just two feet from the ESP32-LyratT, but the recorded sound volume is very low. Tryout setting gain to 24db, i.e. es8388_set_mic_gain(24), but it makes no difference.

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