Add component in ADF project

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Add component in ADF project

Postby Sounder » Wed Dec 25, 2024 3:28 pm

I am working on an audio project that uses a custom PCB with the ESP32-S3.
ADF v2.7 is installed. I used the example "play_mp3_control". Project does compile.

Now I need to add my own components (for example it is called esp-serial) to expand the functionality. Normally when working with the IDF that is not a big deal: add a components folder, git clone your component inside there including a cmakelist like the following and thats it.

Code: Select all

All you have to do is add the component under requires in the cmakelist in main. That's it.
I naturally assumed that it would work in the same way with the ADF.
However, the structure of the cmakelist in main is completely different (idf_component_register is not used):

Code: Select all

set(COMPONENT_SRCS ./play_mp3_control_example.c)
set(COMPONENT_EMBED_TXTFILES music-16b-2c-44100hz.mp3)
When I add the needed component at any point with:

Code: Select all

set(COMPONENT_REQUIRES esp-serial)
the project doesn't compile anymore.

So the question is, how do I add a component to the components folder and use it in the main file?

Kind regards

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