On an Lyrat V4.3 like board, Olimex ESP-ADF, I tried playing wav file with the 'pipeline_equalizer' example.c. using IDF-5.1.1 and latest ESP-ADF library (installed by PlatformIO IDF extension) and default configuration.
The difference to LyraT SD-card uses SPI and other Pinout, so a did a custom board like described in the "play_mp3_control" example.
Code: Select all
audio_board_sdcard_init(set, SD_MODE_SPI);
and I get a warning on monitor:
Code: Select all
W (1664) AUDIO_THREAD: Make sure selected the `CONFIG_SPIRAM_BOOT_INIT` and `CONFIG_SPIRAM_ALLOW_STACK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY` by `make menuconfig`
Question is:
How can I configure these values and/or increase the SD card read speed ?
mfg winfried