Lyra-T and JTAG debugging

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Lyra-T and JTAG debugging

Postby espdorian » Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:29 am

Maybe here in the ADF forum are some Lyra-T users.

I have a Lyra-T (using WROVER-B) and I am trying to get JTAG debugging working on Windows. I have tried both VSCODE ane Eclipse. Both detect the chip via JTAG, but I don't get any step further.

Anyone here having more succes, or even can confirm it must be possible with the Lyra-T ?


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Re: Lyra-T and JTAG debugging

Postby jkull12 » Tue Aug 23, 2022 3:40 am

Hello - did you ever figure out the Lyra-T and JTAG debugging setup? I'm experiencing problems with my LyraT v4.3 board when using the ESP-PROG debugger. Basically, whether I start debug or run without debug, I get an exception. What IDE / debug tool worked for you?

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Re: Lyra-T and JTAG debugging

Postby jkull12 » Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:31 am

The JTAG debugging issues I was having when using VSCode, ESP-IDF Extension, and ESP-PROG *may* have been caused by the ESP-OpenOCD v0.11.0-esp32-20220411. When I replaced it with ESP-OpenOCD v0.11.0-esp32-20220706, I was able to flash via JTAG and Start/Stop debug session without seeing any errors.

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