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9 bit UART

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 6:35 am
by mr_darker
I've got a project that requires 9 bit data communications.

The ESP32 only supports up to 8, however unsupported doesn't always mean it can't be done.

There's a few options, but I'd like to ask if anyone knows what happens to data when a bad parity bit has been read. Can you still read the data or does the UART hardware automatically get rid of that data? It doesn't seem to say what happens in the technical reference manual.

Re: 9 bit UART

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 10:50 pm
by mr_darker
I've found that when the UART gets a bad parity, at lest with the Arduino core, it just reads it anyways.

Anyone know how to check what the parity bit is?