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UART DMA Channel UHCI_NUM_1 is not working for any UART

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 11:10 am
by RajaniSureja
Hi Support Team,

We are using ESP32 IDF version 2.1 and want to use UART DMA. here in this IDFversion 2.1 not provided support for UART DMA. So in earlier discussion with support team we got some sample code for UART DMA. here attached received uhci.tar.gz file from support team.

In ESP32 Technical Reference Manual version 3.7 chapter 6.4 given information like ESP32 has three UART interfaces that share two UDMA (UART DMA) controllers.

here in this example it use channel UHCI_NUM_0 and its working fine for UART0 . So we have ported given driver files in our driver library of ESP32 IDFversion 2.1.

But if i use channel UHCI_NUM_1 for UART0 then example code not working. So can you please help me on this?

Is ESP32 IDF version 2.1 + added supported driver file has support for UART DMA with UHCI_NUM_1?

what should i do for using UHCI_NUM_1 for UART0 or any other UART?