dram0_0_seg overflowed activated BLT and wifi

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dram0_0_seg overflowed activated BLT and wifi

Postby Masi2018 » Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:05 pm

Thanks for all great work on ESP32.
I need to use BLT and wifi in my application. I am using ESP32WROVER .While I activated the expernal ram (PSRAM), still I am getting en error in compile time stating that region 'dram0_0_seg overflowed by 17848 bytes. I would greately appreciated if you can help me with this.
I did following changes in menuconfig
Enabled BT/BLE will first malloc the memory from PSRAM
Enabled Use dynamic memory allocation in BT/BLE stack (I should mentioned that at first overflow bytes was around 40K but once I enabled this it reduced to 18K)
Disabled SMP
disabled BT debug logs
I tested Integrate RAM into ESP32 memory map and also Mke RAM allocatable using malloc as well in SPI RAM access method but still I have same problem.

Thanks in advance

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