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Safe pins to use as UART

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 3:26 pm
by mr1000
Hi there, first of all when I say "safe" I mean pins that dont conflict with process like Bootloading.

I was using IO2 (TX) and found out that IO2 must be low level during boot.
( ... -Selection)
Also noticied that there's a few more pins (like IO12) that have these little things that if you don't take precaution you can mess up easily.

So after reading few documents, I prefer to ask to a ESP32 expert to be 100% sure I'm doing things okay.

I want to use 3 UARTs, I've been using UART0 on pins RXD0 and TXD0 with no problems.
But for UART1 and UART2 I've using GPIOs pins and having these little issues at bootloading.

The IOs I have left are:

As far I understood the one's marked with " * " are used for bootloading options.
I was thinking of using IO13 and IO14, also IO32-IO35. Are these pins safe for a UART?
(Yeah I could just go right away and just ask that, but I wanted to explain the whole situation :P )

Thanks a lot.