That's not the point realy.
This idea was originally came into my mind when I was thinking about building a proper SBC using the ESP32 as it's base processor,
and use it like a Raspberry Pi, drop an SD card in to run your stuff from, and boom, or rather stream it through the web, and run it instantly, skipping the whole OTA process.
Primarily for makers, pushing the boundaries of what an ESP32 system can do with a couple of supporting circuitry, but not too expensive and big.
(you would have an ESP32, with it's stuff, flash, RAM, STM32 uC, FT813, power supply circuits, ethernet circuit, etc).
As said, this will have a UI, to control everything, in the form of a 5" 800x480 screen, a separate System Management Controller (SMC), which is just an ARM Cortex uC, which will just houskeep the board, control the display via an FT813 - independently from the ESP, handle USB OTG, for keyboard and mouse support later on (and have tons of GPIO pins).
I want to have an android-like UI, which is very possible with the FT813.
Imagine if you can run micropython scripts on your ESP based unit, without needing to touch your PC (type it on screen and run it).
(I know I know, it's possible with just the flash but... well...)
The concept is a bit complex, but it would be awsome to have the capability to execute from RAM.
I just can't ignore the fact that flash has limited life time, and slow to write and read.
I just though, that it would be nice to have the capability developing an app without touching the flash, and just run stuff from an SD card for example, just pop an SD card in, or stream it from the Web or network, and run it from RAM.
I don't say it is a must, but a "What if". If the ESP is capable of this, then why not try? ... if it is capable.
... or mybe I am not fully capable to understand the ESP32 as it is now.