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Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 4:32 pm
by HenryM
I have an ESP32 based project that I've just started. This is my first time using either FreeRTOS or the ESP32 and I'm looking for a bit of advice.

The product I'm trying to develop will be sold on the market. It will utilize WiFi to talk to Amazon AWS using MQTT and shadow data, needs to support OTA updates, and eventually will need to support Bluetooth 4.1. Private credentials will be loaded via an HTTPS client on the ESP32. The expected usage case of this product will have end customers having 10's of them at a normal install site, possibly over 100 units. WiFi configuration should be simple. It appears that the SmartConfig option would be great, especially if we can configure a bunch of devices simultaneously. At a glance, it looks like all of this is supported in ESP-IDF.

However, I've started development using Amazon FreeRTOS. They don't support bluetooth, OTA updates, or lwip which rules out SmartConfig. I'm not yet certain if an HTTPS client is built in either.

I guess what I'm asking is, am I better off using ESP-IDF or are there limitations on it that I'm going to quickly run into considering what I want to do with it?

Re: a:FreeRTOS vs ESP-IDF

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 2:43 am
by WiFive
They don't support using both cpus either.

Re: a:FreeRTOS vs ESP-IDF

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 9:55 pm
by HenryM
Nor do they support SNTP.

In any case, I've decided to switch to ESP-IDF. I've been able to connect to AWS, update shadow data, get SmartConfig and SNTP working and more. I think the onlything I may be losing out on that I've noticed is GreenGrass support.

Amazon has only recently announced support for the ESP32 in a:FreeRTOS, so I understand that features are lacking. However, they will not tell me if support for those features is planned or not. They just say that my feedback is important.