I would like to add my 2 cents to this issue. I have been working with the esp32 for a while now, and thanks to kolban's posts etc. I am fairly productive. I set up as Kolban has suggested, using the IDF in linux ubuntu running under a virtualbox on my pc. I had trouble with eclipse crashing, so I reverted back to using the command line and emacs. This has been working nicely.
I recently decided to take the next step, and get the debugger going. I am using the latest esp-rover-kit and which has been working for flashing and monitoring, but it looks to be a problem with GDB, opencd via JTAG.
I am attempting to follow the directions as per :
http://esp-idf.readthedocs.io/en/latest ... p32-target
Which meant connecting the 4 jumpers on J8 (TMS,TDO,TDI,TCK), downloading opencd-esp32-linux64-a859564.tar.gz also as per instructions from IDF. I also confirmed that both ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1 were OK, and they are, (I have been using USB1 for a long time now for flashing and monitoring).
after : cd ~/esp/openocd-esp32 , I run:
$ sudo bin/openocd -s share/openocd/scripts -f interface/ftdi/esp32_devkitj_v1.cfg -f board/esp-wroom-32.cfg [/url], but not exactly,
I looked up correct .cfg for this board when it has the esp-wrover instead of the esp-wroom, and instead run:
$ sudo bin/openocd -s share/openocd/scripts -f interface/ftdi/esp32_devkitj_v1.cfg -f board/esp32-wrover.cfg
This should now give me the output from the docs, but it does not, and seems very buggy. I hacked at this for many hours, and at one point realized that because my board's IPSRAM is not enabled, it might be running at the higher voltage, and cause a problem with the JTAG, so I enabled IPSRAM in menuconfig, recompiled and flashed.
Wow, it worked, but only once!, my output looked just like the one as shown in the instructions under: "You should now see similar output (this log is for ESP32 WROVER KIT):", but now it is back to seeing all zeros on the JTAG port and doing nothing.
To confirm that I did not fry my esp-rover-kit board, I started the process again with a second board. This board which otherwise works fine, would not even flash with the 4 jumpers in place as described on espressif's website. Once I remove the jumpers I could flash again.
My question is : Does this work? I can't tell if I am doing something wrong, or this is a not quite ready for prime time debugging setup. If anyone has this working on any simple example, I would like to know. I am also curious what the folks working for espressif are using to debug their C code.