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ESP32 DevkitC 5V source tolerant

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2024 8:10 pm
by crismarceloyf
Hi there.
I need to know, if it is possible to supply the ESP32 devkit C with 4 V in the 5V source pin.
I mean, is it correct? Could it cause bad performance or damage in the future?
Best regards

Re: ESP32 DevkitC 5V source tolerant

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2024 11:48 pm
by ESP_Sprite
You mean on the Vin pin? According to the schematics, the DevkitC uses an AMS1117 which has a typical dropout voltage of 1.1V, which means the input voltage needs to be at least 1.1V above the output voltage of 3.3V. This means the board needs 4.4V at a minimum for the LDO to properly function, so no, you cannot run it on 4V without running it out of spec. (In 'normal' language: it might still work, but there are no guarantees if it does and how well it does it.)

You could work around this by using an external 3.3V regulator which has <0.7V dropout voltage and connecting that to the DevkitC's 3.3V input pin. Make sure the regulator can handle >=500mA, though.