Bootstrapping wifi
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 7:01 pm
Hi all, I'd like to make a controller for a set of motors, using Blynk and an ESP(WROOM)32. My first issue in how to bootstrap ESP32 wifi for a new site without using a PC. On Kolban's Book on ESP32, page 145, the author suggest to initially set the ESP32 as an access point, in order to provide SSID and Password for the wifi net to connect to, using a mobile phone. I belive it's a great idea, unfortunately I've not enough experience (and knownledge) to develope the complete solution to do that. Anybody can please suggest me an example? I know a bit of Appinventor environment, a bit of C++ (Arduino IDE), and a bit of Blynk.
Thank you!
Thank you!