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Help Needed: J1939 Protocol Integration on ESP32 with FreeRTOS

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 4:22 pm
by williankleber

I am an electronic product developer, and historically I have developed with PIC MCUs, having implemented a J1939 protocol on PIC 'from scratch'.

Now I am starting a project that will also use the SAE J1939 protocol. However, in my initial research, I am having difficulty finding any component or library that already has the protocol implemented and is prepared to work with FreeRTOS tasks within the ESP-IDF.

Does anyone in the community know if there is any ready-made component or library, or at least one that is easy to adapt for the ESP32?

Re: Help Needed: J1939 Protocol Integration on ESP32 with FreeRTOS

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 4:30 pm
by DrMickeyLauer
I don't think you will find anything ready-made. That said, given that J1939 is a simple protocol on top of CAN messages, I'd advise starting w/ a CAN example from ESP-IDF and then adding pretty much the same as you did on your PIC.