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ESP-IDF and C++ nlohmann/json library

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2024 4:37 pm
by teodor12
Hello Guys!

Has anyone of you used this library with esp-idf(under c++):

I've been trying to use it, but I got a linker error, and I'm stuck with my hobby project?
Can anyone help me? I will provide the code.

This is the error code: undefined reference to `_ZN11json_parser10JsonParser9serializeERKN8nlohmann16json_abi_v3_11_310basic_jsonISt3mapSt6vectorNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEbxydSaNS2_14adl_serializerES5_IhSaIhEEvEE'

I imported the library as a git submodule. Is there any other way or did I miss something?

Thank you in advance!

Have a nice day!