USB on esp32-s3 wroom
Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2024 5:04 pm
I have some esp32-s3-wroom-1u modules and was wondering if its okay to connect esp32s usb data (dp and dm) pins directly to hosts data pins. Since esp32 is 3.3v device while host pc is a 5v device doesnt esp32 need a level shifter? I have seen online that others have just connected them directly to usb ports data pins. It would make sense if esp32 has an internal level shifter but im not sure.
Another question is how does the otg work on it. On cellphones with otg support and using usb micro B port ,shorting the ID pin to ground switches a device to otg mode. How does it work for esp32 s3?
Another question is how does the otg work on it. On cellphones with otg support and using usb micro B port ,shorting the ID pin to ground switches a device to otg mode. How does it work for esp32 s3?