How to receive spi transmission inside a defined struct, order of MSB and LSB does not match
Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:57 pm
I'm working on a project involving an ESP32 interfacing with an FPGA. I've run into an issue when transferring ADC data from the FPGA to the ESP32 using SPI. I have developed a c library that contains a few structs like this:
FPGA sends data in this order via SPI: Sample0_MSB, Sample0_LSB, Sample1_MSB, Sample1_LSB, ... Lets say, that the fpga sends over spi the following array = {0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef}
When I store this data in my C struct (ssfpga_adc_sample_t), the order changes unexpectedly:
Sample1_MSB, Sample0_LSB, Sample2_MSB, Sample1_LSB, ... (So, what I see is 0x4523, 0x8967, 0xcdab, 0x01ef)
Why does the order of MSB change when I store data in my struct?
How can I ensure that the data is correctly arranged within the struct?
Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated!
The code that receives the samples looks like:
And the code that performs the spi tranmisions looks like:
(FPGA Addresses are accessed over macros and defined addresses)
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typedef uint16_t adc_ch_sample_t;
typedef struct{
adc_ch_sample_t INA1;
adc_ch_sample_t INA2;
adc_ch_sample_t INB1;
adc_ch_sample_t INB2;
FPGA sends data in this order via SPI: Sample0_MSB, Sample0_LSB, Sample1_MSB, Sample1_LSB, ... Lets say, that the fpga sends over spi the following array = {0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef}
When I store this data in my C struct (ssfpga_adc_sample_t), the order changes unexpectedly:
Sample1_MSB, Sample0_LSB, Sample2_MSB, Sample1_LSB, ... (So, what I see is 0x4523, 0x8967, 0xcdab, 0x01ef)
Why does the order of MSB change when I store data in my struct?
How can I ensure that the data is correctly arranged within the struct?
Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated!
The code that receives the samples looks like:
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ssfpga_adc_sample_t *ssfpga_get_adc_sample(const ssfpga_t *ssfpga, const uint8_t adc){
ssfpga_adc_sample_t *adc_sample = calloc(1, sizeof(ssfpga_adc_sample_t));
ssfpga->spi_duplex_op(ssfpga->handle, SPI_READ_MULT_BYTES(ADC0_INA1_MSB)+adc*8, adc_sample, NULL, sizeof(ssfpga_adc_sample_t)/sizeof(uint8_t));
return adc_sample;
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esp_err_t fpga_spi_duplex_op(const void *handle, uint16_t reg, void *rx_data, void *tx_data, const size_t data_size){
uint8_t free_mem = 0;
if(tx_data == NULL){
free_mem = 1;
tx_data = calloc(data_size, sizeof(uint8_t));
spi_device_handle_t *spi_handle_internal = (spi_device_handle_t *)handle;
spi_transaction_t t = {
.addr = reg,
.length = 8 * data_size,
.rx_buffer = rx_data,
.tx_buffer = tx_data,
.flags = 0
esp_err_t ret = spi_device_polling_transmit(*spi_handle_internal, &t);
return ret;