Re-establish the ESP-32 board to terminal connection
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2023 5:04 pm
Hi guys, sorry my stupid question but how can I re-establish the connection to retrieve date from the board to the terminal in VS Code ?
I am testing my I2C sniffer code and it seems it finaly works as needed. I captured the data from I2C bus and printed them on the VS Code terminal several times, several condition. Last test were done tomorrow and today when I re-open thge project and connect the USB cable I can't get any data to the terminal. But, if I use the the Buil-Flash-Monitor icon on the bottom bar I can retreive the data again. Is there any way how to "re-connect" without the flashing, please ?
I am testing my I2C sniffer code and it seems it finaly works as needed. I captured the data from I2C bus and printed them on the VS Code terminal several times, several condition. Last test were done tomorrow and today when I re-open thge project and connect the USB cable I can't get any data to the terminal. But, if I use the the Buil-Flash-Monitor icon on the bottom bar I can retreive the data again. Is there any way how to "re-connect" without the flashing, please ?