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BLE Whitelist connections

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 9:09 pm
by cfarms6

I am new to the ESP32. I am part of a robotics team. We are trying to implement BLE control of a locking mechanism currently.We had the idea of controlling whether the lock is locked or unlocked when a specific blue tooth device connects and a certain pass code is entered. I have read through the documentation given and tested adding the GAP whitelist and updating it with the BT address of the iPhone which should be allowed to connect. We are using the LightBlue explorer app to connect. However, when the whitelist is updated and I try to connect the iPhone to the ESP32, I am unable to connect. I am not sure the cause of this issue and I cannot seem to figure out how to create the white list. Could someone please help me with how to connect to the device and set up the whitelist? I have attached the code for review.


Re: BLE Whitelist connections

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 10:37 pm
by cfarms6
Has anyone else tried the code provided? If so, what are your results? I am on a design deadline and I need to have a working concept of the whitelist by the end of the month.