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KiCad footprint

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:06 am
by captain_morgan
I recently made the decision to switch from Eagle to KiCad,
and since I didn't see one already, what better way to get started than create a footprint for the ESP32!


Check it out, let me know if I missed/messed up anything, file issues, fork it, use it!

Re: KiCad footprint

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 3:30 am
by adamjvr
Hi, I made a complete KiCAD library a couple days ago. My library includes symbols/footprints for the ESP32 IC, ESP32-WROOM, and ESP3212. Everything is pending test and comes with no warranty, use them at your own risk, Here they are:

Would love some feedback if you find anything wrong with them.

Re: KiCad footprint

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 12:44 pm
by jrychter
@adamjvr — for the ESP32 chip itself, I'm assuming you just made the eeschema symbol, right? Standard QFN48+pad footprint works ok?

Re: KiCad footprint

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 5:57 am
by adamjvr
Hi, sorry for the late reply, yes the library includes the eschema symbol as well, its a complete library. I believe there are 4-5 PCBs made with the lib so far around the world. Making a couple boards myself currently, I will post here when finished.