External Coexistence SoftAP still Beacons

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External Coexistence SoftAP still Beacons

Postby jasenharris » Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:06 pm

I am using external coexistence on the esp32s3 in idf 5.0.1 (single wire mode)
For the purposes of testing i'm setting the coex pin high for a long period of time (seconds)
The wifi is setup as a softAP. when the coex pin is set high the wifi beacons do not stop being transmitted from the esp32 however I cannot have a client connect to the softAP at this time (as expected). when coex pin is low (the client can connect to the sofap). From this behavior i suspect that the coex pin operation is configured correctly, but I do not understand why the wifi beacons are still being sent when coex pin input is high.

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