Gatt client BLE connection
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:55 am
I am using esp32s3 as the master device to connect to BLE subdevices, and the connection requires the local Bluetooth address type BLE_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC. The own_addr_type I use during the scan is BLE_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC type, However, I found that the only way to keep the Tx Address field in the CONNECT_ID header Public during the connection process is to use nvs_flash_init to clear nvs. Please help me point out the method that Tx Address is Public in the fixed connection event CONNECT_ID. Thank you very much!
I am using esp32s3 as the master device to connect to BLE subdevices, and the connection requires the local Bluetooth address type BLE_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC. The own_addr_type I use during the scan is BLE_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC type, However, I found that the only way to keep the Tx Address field in the CONNECT_ID header Public during the connection process is to use nvs_flash_init to clear nvs. Please help me point out the method that Tx Address is Public in the fixed connection event CONNECT_ID. Thank you very much!