[New to ESP32] - Transfer .bin file to ESP32 and pass it out through SPI port?
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:50 am
Greetings everybody -
My name is Martin, and I am currently an student, who is starting up a new project.
I will probably be asking a few questions over the next few months on this forum.
short about the project:
The project will be a autonome drone/quadcopter, that will be using an ESP32 toghter with an lattice FPGA to fly.
So my first question is about getting it setup. - Im looking into the possibility to use the ESP32 to write the SPI flash to the FPGA (Will be using an SPI flash memory).
For writing the file to the SPI flash, I will need to be able to "uploade" the binary file to the ESP32 and then have it to program it over the SPI interface. - The questions:
Using the normal ESP-IDF tool chain, what are my options to transfer the binary file to the ESP32's flash memory, without hardcoding the binary file into the project file? - As soon as it is in the flash memory, I guess it is okay easy to have the ESP32 read it and then transfer it over the spi interface.
Anybody have any exeprinse with this? -
My name is Martin, and I am currently an student, who is starting up a new project.
I will probably be asking a few questions over the next few months on this forum.
short about the project:
The project will be a autonome drone/quadcopter, that will be using an ESP32 toghter with an lattice FPGA to fly.
So my first question is about getting it setup. - Im looking into the possibility to use the ESP32 to write the SPI flash to the FPGA (Will be using an SPI flash memory).
For writing the file to the SPI flash, I will need to be able to "uploade" the binary file to the ESP32 and then have it to program it over the SPI interface. - The questions:
Using the normal ESP-IDF tool chain, what are my options to transfer the binary file to the ESP32's flash memory, without hardcoding the binary file into the project file? - As soon as it is in the flash memory, I guess it is okay easy to have the ESP32 read it and then transfer it over the spi interface.
Anybody have any exeprinse with this? -