Hi...I'm trying to create a system with esp32 that controls home central air ventilation based on CO2 value from Netatmo.
I need to send is a API quesry to https://api.netatmo.com/api/getstationsdata?
I have tested this on my laptop with CUTL, and it works
>curl -X GET https://api.netatmo.com/api/getstations ... 0:12:xx:xx"
The response is something like this...
How can I send the same quesry via ESP32 ?
It would be easy to pick the "CO2":668 from response and control OUT pin if this value exceedes say 1000ppm
How to send an API query to Netatmo
Re: How to send an API query to Netatmo
Nevermind, I figured out a way to do the API request without HTTPS.
I simply run PHP script to free webserver (like 000webhost.com) that supports HTTPS . The scipt sends HTTPS GET API request and returns the CO2 value which in turn I can read with HTTP (no "S") GET request on esp32 HTTPClient.h
I simply run PHP script to free webserver (like 000webhost.com) that supports HTTPS . The scipt sends HTTPS GET API request and returns the CO2 value which in turn I can read with HTTP (no "S") GET request on esp32 HTTPClient.h
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