The square-wave-output generated by timer can't greater 40000Hz
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 5:29 am
Module: ESP32-WROOM-32D
IDF version: V4.2
OS: Win7
Expected result: Generate 10000Hz squal wave by timer is successful
Real result: Watchout occurs when the generated frequence is over 80000Hz
Tested timer: Timer 0 of Group0
Output pin: IO26
Test Step: (1)Set TIMER_INTERVAL0_SEC = 0.000009
(2)Change state of IO26 (from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0) in timer_group0_isr
(3)View the result on IO26 use Oscilloscope
Attached: (1)main.c of project (a2dp_gatts_coex)
(2)sdkconfig of project (a2dp_gatts_coex)
(3)log file when watchdog occurs
Since the sdkconfig have no text format that can't upload, so I add .txt, please delete .txt format when need build it.
IDF version: V4.2
OS: Win7
Expected result: Generate 10000Hz squal wave by timer is successful
Real result: Watchout occurs when the generated frequence is over 80000Hz
Tested timer: Timer 0 of Group0
Output pin: IO26
Test Step: (1)Set TIMER_INTERVAL0_SEC = 0.000009
(2)Change state of IO26 (from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0) in timer_group0_isr
(3)View the result on IO26 use Oscilloscope
Attached: (1)main.c of project (a2dp_gatts_coex)
(2)sdkconfig of project (a2dp_gatts_coex)
(3)log file when watchdog occurs
Since the sdkconfig have no text format that can't upload, so I add .txt, please delete .txt format when need build it.