Help with TFTdisplay Driver IC: NT35510 SKU:MRB3973

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Help with TFTdisplay Driver IC: NT35510 SKU:MRB3973

Postby yhanchristian » Sat Aug 20, 2022 5:36 pm

Hi, everyone!

I'm trying use ESP32 S3 Dev Kit with a TFT Display SKU:MRB3973 like this model: ... KU:MRB3973.

I use esp-iot-solution screen component to integrate with NT35510 controller and my code compiles, but the display doesn't work only shows a black SCREEN and doesn't draw a pixel in red color, like my code example to test it.

Follow my code in github to check: ... ltzscooter

I've checked the hardware many times and didn't find an error in connections.

Anyone have worked with this display? What can I do to make it's work.

Best Regards,
Yhan Christian

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