JoaoLopesF wrote:
But In begin is recevied a lot of noise, I think that codes of SDK is still in 115200 until execute main
The ROM bootloader code will always output at 115200, before it loads the second stage bootloader image from flash. From then on, serial output will use the configured baud rate.
Unfortunately we can't change this very early baud rate, as it's hardcoded in ROM. If you pull GPIO15 (MTDO) low on reset then it will disable this ROM output entirely, though.
JoaoLopesF wrote:
how about change default of framework to 230400 ? This board is fast to still in 115200 ...
A lot of serial programs default to 115200, so it's easier for most people if we default to this value.
115200bps is slow if you need to transfer a lot of data, but for non-verbose logging it's not usually a bottleneck (especially given the 128 byte hardware FIFO).