The problem with ESP 32 flashed micropython.
Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 1:02 pm
Greetings to all. Today I tried to work with ESP 32 for the first time by connecting PWM sg-90 to it, and I ran into the problem that the signal to the servo simply does not come out. I tried to re-connect pins and change pins in the code itself, but literally nothing helps. I tested this servo in parallel on an arduino uno, and it works. Perhaps I do not know any subtleties, or is it still a defective part?
My code:
Full name of my ESP - ESP-WROOM-32. Help me please
My code:
- >>> from machine import Pin, PWM
- >>> pwm = PWM(Pin(15))
- >>> pwm.duty(15)
- >>> pwm.freq(50)
- # ignores my actions