I'm trying to provisioning an ESP32 device using the wifi_prov_mgr example in SoftAP mode, but it fails on iOS 15.2.1 exactly as reported by another user here https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf-pr ... /issues/41
I'm using the lastest version of ESP Provisioning for iOS which seems to be v2.0.14...
The device reports:
Code: Select all
I (27843) wifi:new:<1,0>, old:<1,1>, ap:<1,1>, sta:<0,0>, prof:1
I (27845) wifi:station: 82:5f:1b:4e:dc:4c join, AID=1, bgn, 20
I (29063) esp_netif_lwip: DHCP server assigned IP to a station, IP is:
W (30856) wifi:<ba-add>idx:4 (ifx:1, 82:5f:1b:4e:dc:4c), tid:0, ssn:0, winSize:64
I have all the permissions enabled.
Anyone else is having the same problem ?