How to use wifi light sleep for esp32?
Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 2:54 am
The idf version is v2.0, the esp32 chip is up to date.
If transfer vTaskDelay(), the esp32 chip CPU is active or IDLE? Can it enter light sleep int this status?
The freertos run the user task over,and now is runing IDLEtask,the esp32 chip CPU is active or IDLE? In this status , can it enter light sleep when add new features to the idf in the future?
If transfer vTaskDelay(), the esp32 chip CPU is active or IDLE? Can it enter light sleep int this status?
The freertos run the user task over,and now is runing IDLEtask,the esp32 chip CPU is active or IDLE? In this status , can it enter light sleep when add new features to the idf in the future?