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Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 4:15 am
by kg_lunar789
Hi all,
I am working on setting up a BLE mesh network and have followed the examples for the sensor client/server model. I have a working application that receives various data from nodes on the network, but am wondering what API function to use to get the RSSI of all server nodes (6 at the moment) in the mesh network, and send those to the client/root node. I want to be able to get signal strength for nodes that have already been provisioned as well as unprovisioned nodes. Thanks!


Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 3:29 pm
by chegewara
1. you can use regular ble API to scan for devices
2. you can filter ble devices and scan only for ble mesh nodes
3. this suppose to be implemented and all nodes probably
4. you have to think how to send those data to client, maybe with vendor element?