Starting ESP32 encryption with
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 4:39 pm
I use a custom programming board to program an ESP32 with a secure bootloader
The encryption will automatically start when I turn on the device by attaching the power supply to the device.
But is there an option to start the encryption process automatically after the programming with It looks like that the default hard reset isn´t working. I wait a few minutes after the end of the programming process
and try to reprogram the ESP32. The reprogramming is successful, so the secure bootloader and the encryption weren´t successful.
I have also read out the fuses and they are looking good:
Is it possible to start the process via esptool?
I use a custom programming board to program an ESP32 with a secure bootloader
Code: Select all '--port', 'COM14', '--baud', '921600', 'write_flash', '--flash_mode', 'dio', '--flash_freq', '40m', '--flash_size', 'detect', '0x10000', 'hello-world_secure.bin', '0x8000', 'partitions.bin', '0x1000', 'bootloader_secure.bin', '0x9000', 'ota_data_initial.bin'
But is there an option to start the encryption process automatically after the programming with It looks like that the default hard reset isn´t working. I wait a few minutes after the end of the programming process
Code: Select all
Hard resetting via RTS pin...
I have also read out the fuses and they are looking good:
Code: Select all v2.8
EFUSE_NAME Description = [Meaningful Value] [Readable/Writeable] (Hex Value)
Config fuses:
XPD_SDIO_FORCE Ignore MTDI pin (GPIO12) for VDD_SDIO on reset = 0 R/W (0x0)
XPD_SDIO_REG If XPD_SDIO_FORCE, enable VDD_SDIO reg on reset = 0 R/W (0x0)
CLK8M_FREQ 8MHz clock freq override = 56 R/W (0x38)
SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CLK Override SD_CLK pad (GPIO6/SPICLK) = 0 R/W (0x0)
SPI_PAD_CONFIG_Q Override SD_DATA_0 pad (GPIO7/SPIQ) = 0 R/W (0x0)
SPI_PAD_CONFIG_D Override SD_DATA_1 pad (GPIO8/SPID) = 0 R/W (0x0)
SPI_PAD_CONFIG_HD Override SD_DATA_2 pad (GPIO9/SPIHD) = 0 R/W (0x0)
SPI_PAD_CONFIG_CS0 Override SD_CMD pad (GPIO11/SPICS0) = 0 R/W (0x0)
DISABLE_SDIO_HOST Disable SDIO host = 0 R/W (0x0)
Identity fuses:
MAC Factory MAC Address
= a8:03:2a:3e:a2:e4 (CRC 0x05 OK) R/W
CHIP_VER_REV1 Silicon Revision 1 = 1 R/W (0x1)
CHIP_VER_REV2 Silicon Revision 2 = 1 R/W (0x1)
CHIP_VERSION Reserved for future chip versions = 2 R/W (0x2)
CHIP_PACKAGE Chip package identifier = 1 R/W (0x1)
Efuse fuses:
WR_DIS Efuse write disable mask = 388 R/W (0x184)
RD_DIS Efuse read disablemask = 3 R/W (0x3)
CODING_SCHEME Efuse variable block length scheme = 0 R/W (0x0)
KEY_STATUS Usage of efuse block 3 (reserved) = 0 R/W (0x0)
Security fuses:
FLASH_CRYPT_CNT Flash encryption mode counter = 127 R/- (0x7f)
FLASH_CRYPT_CONFIG Flash encryption config (key tweak bits) = 15 R/W (0xf)
CONSOLE_DEBUG_DISABLE Disable ROM BASIC interpreter fallback = 1 R/W (0x1)
ABS_DONE_0 secure boot enabled for bootloader = 1 R/W (0x1)
ABS_DONE_1 secure boot abstract 1 locked = 0 R/W (0x0)
JTAG_DISABLE Disable JTAG = 1 R/W (0x1)
DISABLE_DL_ENCRYPT Disable flash encryption in UART bootloader = 1 R/W (0x1)
DISABLE_DL_DECRYPT Disable flash decryption in UART bootloader = 1 R/W (0x1)
DISABLE_DL_CACHE Disable flash cache in UART bootloader = 1 R/W (0x1)
BLK1 Flash encryption key
= ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? -/-
BLK2 Secure boot key
= ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? -/-
BLK3 Variable Block 3
= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 R/W
Calibration fuses:
BLK3_PART_RESERVE BLOCK3 partially served for ADC calibration data = 0 R/W (0x0)
ADC_VREF Voltage reference calibration = 1093 R/W (0x11)
Flash voltage (VDD_SDIO) determined by GPIO12 on reset (High for 1.8V, Low/NC for 3.3V).