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Bluetooth A2DP Source example? (ESP32 streaming to BT speaker)

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 1:29 pm

I understand that the ESP32 uses the Bluedroid Stack which apparently supports A2DP Source and Sink services (please correct me if this is wrong).

The esp-idf contains an a2dp_sink example which works.

If have the following questions:
- Can the ESP32 also act as an audio source, i.e. A2DP Source?
- Is there any example of that? I am looking at the Bluedroid APIs but I do not have the slightest clue how to configure the ESP32 as an A2DP Source.
- Blue sky question: Is the ESP32 able to connect to two separate Bluetooth Speakers and stream audio to them? Is this doable using the Blueddroid stack?

Any hints welcome.


Re: Bluetooth A2DP Source example? (ESP32 streaming to BT speaker)

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 2:05 pm
by rudi ;-) wrote:Hi,

Any hints welcome.

hi johannes

(transceiver) (A2DP-SRC: Advanced Audio Distribution Source)
(receiver) (A2DP-SNK: Advanced Audio Distribution Sink)

what we have just in time as example is A2DP-SNK as ESP_SPEAKER

what you search is A2DP-SRC , i think there is just in time no example available.

best wishes
rudi ;-)

Re: Bluetooth A2DP Source example? (ESP32 streaming to BT speaker)

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 1:19 am
by CrabbyPete
There may be no example, but is it able to be done?

Re: Bluetooth A2DP Source example? (ESP32 streaming to BT speaker)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 5:31 am
by omario_ii
I stumbled upon this: ... 2dp_source

Never tested but author says it is an implementation of A2DP-SRC

Re: Bluetooth A2DP Source example? (ESP32 streaming to BT speaker)

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 2:11 pm
by nopnop2002
Try this.
You can listen to WAV with your bluetooth speaker.