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Listening for UDP Packets on Port

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 11:49 pm
by embedded_guy

I am running the AT binary on my esp32 board. Once I connect to a network I need to be able to receive UDP packets on a specific port (81). I also need to be able to send response packets as well. I have tried to start a server with the command


However, I am not able to see any incoming packets. I'm not sure if this is the way to setup the esp32 for this mode.

***Actually, I see this states it is a TCP connection, so makes sense I don't see UDP packets.

Or if I have to first connect to an AP then establish a UDP connection with AT+CIPSTART. This isn't the best solution because I need to know the remote IP address. Trying to get away without knowing the remote IP address ahead of connecting.

Any help is appreciated.
