maximum footprint of application

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maximum footprint of application

Postby syedatif027 » Thu Apr 27, 2017 8:32 am

In ESP32 (WROOM 32 module) has 16MB of Flash.

If we have to use all the below features in my application on ESP32:

1. WiFi

2. Bluetooth

3. External GSM Module

4. External GPS module

5. Analog inputs (4)

6. Analog outputs (2)

7. External EEPROM with I2C

8. An RS485 interface

9. Mongoose OS

10. Amazon AWS inerface

11. User application

How much of space will it consume ? Will the available memory (16MD Flash and 512 KB RAM) be sufficient ?

Can the module safely operate without errors (stack overflow, insufficient memory,...) ?

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Re: maximum footprint of application

Postby ESP_Angus » Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:56 pm

syedatif027 wrote:How much of space will it consume ? Will the available memory (16MD Flash and 512 KB RAM) be sufficient ?

Can the module safely operate without errors (stack overflow, insufficient memory,...) ?
The default application size is 1MB in flash, if you use the default partition table layout (remaining flash can be used for alternative OTA applications or for data.) If you have an extra-large app it can be bigger than this, maybe up to 3-4MB of executable depending on the split between data and executable code. But 1MB should be plenty for what you're talking about.

In terms of RAM usage, I think the feature list you describe should be achievable in ESP-IDF with BLE only (possibly not classic Bluetooth on top of all the other features). You may need to do some tweaks to reduce RAM overhead. However, if you plan to use Mongoose OS then you should ask Cesanta (Mongoose OS developers) directly as this is their software not Espressif's.

EDIT: Edited after Ivan pointed out that I'd suggested 1MB flash usage is a hard limit for ESP32, and it's not.

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