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ESP32 Power Usage, pretty pleased

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 2:18 pm
by enitalp
Hi all.
Without divulging what i'm doing (it's a secret, would have to kill you if i've said it)
We are using earling prototype of a custom board.

ESP32 Wroom+ USB Charging circuit + battery managment + NXP Pedometer + RGB Light controller + RFID Reader. + HAL + various GPIO
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So for deciding what kind of LIPO we would need, i've made some early test we alpha code on it, that is feature drivent and not power reduction minded. And the result are very good.

So at idle esp32 on at 80 mhz checking some GPIO, RFID reader, pedometer, around 45 ma s
After wifi on + various pattern of light. Having the 3 leds full bright on white is a bad idea. Red is better and one at a time ;p game design should take that in consideration. You can see the worst case scenario with the big spike with all led white. It’s a no no if we want to keep our battery.
After a period of no led, pedometer, gpio + wifi and game communicating. At around 120ma pretty impressed by the wifi power usage.
PowerUsage.jpg (385.98 KiB) Viewed 4510 times

Re: ESP32 Power Usage, pretty pleased

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:50 pm
by madscientist_42
Could've told you that. White's a big power hungry beast- even the small LEDs. Doesn't mean that it's unusuable...I'd just have avoided it for anything that didn't need a human readable display or similar for low power consumption.

Nice to see it's going to be a usable item for battery power overall.