What is not fully implemented yet?

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What is not fully implemented yet?

Postby baltersice » Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:57 pm

Hi! Without doing a lot of research I have ordered a few ESP32 modules and was surprised to find that classic Bluetooth wasn't available yet. Are there any other capabilities, that are still in the making?

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Re: What is not fully implemented yet?

Postby baltersice » Sun Apr 23, 2017 11:22 am

As of now I think these things are missing:
  • Bluetooth Classic (and pairing and all that)
  • Light Sleep for WiFi
  • SPI Slave mode
  • IPv6
  • Access to low level assembler

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Re: What is not fully implemented yet?

Postby rsimpsonbusa » Sun Apr 23, 2017 4:22 pm

  • OpenOcd Flashing and debugging errors
    CAN (there is an unofficial driver )
    It would be great if EspressIf had an alliance with some of the IDE Developers to have a stable IDE platform (even if paid). Eclipse is Ok but several limitations (debugging on the IDE)
    Internal Documentation like DMA
GPIO limited speed

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Re: What is not fully implemented yet?

Postby mlamar » Sun Apr 23, 2017 4:43 pm

Motor PWM

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Re: What is not fully implemented yet?

Postby BuddyCasino » Sun Apr 23, 2017 10:24 pm

Good opportunity to shamelessly add my pet peeves to the list:
  • non-buggy I2S RX driver
  • I2S PDM mode
  • non-buggy audio PLL
Also someone reportedly started work on an LLVM backend, but I guess thats unofficial.

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Re: What is not fully implemented yet?

Postby ESP_Angus » Sun Apr 23, 2017 11:58 pm

baltersice wrote:
  • Bluetooth Classic (and pairing and all that)
I apologise that we haven't announced it properly, but some Bluetooth Classic support (including an A2DP sink example) was merged to IDF master last week. https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/tr ... /a2dp_sink
  • Access to low level assembler
Can you explain exactly what you mean by this? Do you mean having fully ISA documentation available? (This is something we know is missing, the only publically available ISA documentation is for a slightly older Xtensa revision. We hope to rectify this.) But if it's something else, please let us know.

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Re: What is not fully implemented yet?

Postby maruder » Mon Apr 24, 2017 12:27 am

ESP_Angus, I'm sorry that I ask again, but I get no response from anyone in other thread - maybe this one is more appropriate. I would appreciate if you could approximate timeline for full support for bluetooth classic - the most important for me is SPP profile. That is very important for me, so please don't ignore my question. Thank you.

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Re: What is not fully implemented yet?

Postby mumi32 » Mon Apr 24, 2017 2:27 am

Image Boot Selection --

It seems that the ability to select boot partition for the next boot is not implemented.

So for example, let's say our partition table looks like this:

1. Factory Image
2. OTA1
3. OTA2

It would be very nice if the system would boot into the 'Latest OTA' normally, but if during the 'Latest OTA' runtime we were able to set a parameter to run the 'Factory Image.'

This would solve issues where memory heavy stacks (like BLE) are only required to run for very specific functions. We would be able to implement BLE in only the Factory image, let's say, and reboot into that image only when required to run BLE.

I'm considering writing a small bootloader hack to make this possible.. Is something like this on the roadmap for the ESP32 in the future?


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Re: What is not fully implemented yet?

Postby jumjum123 » Mon Apr 24, 2017 7:07 am

Some more
- ADC2 support
- ADC linearization
- Camera Support, there is a driver from igrr, but nothing in esp-idf
- make all RTOS functions fully tested
- there was an announcement of having a lot in the pipe once V2.0 is out

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Re: What is not fully implemented yet?

Postby sintech » Mon Apr 24, 2017 7:42 am

From my side:
  • Support for SPI mode in SDMMC driver.

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