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Availability of BLE functions in latest SDK v3.0?

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 4:55 pm
by bluebird
Hi Team,

I am very happy to see the arrival of the new SDK. I want to know:
1/ Does it include Bluetooth Low Energy functions, that are so much waited?
2/ I have a computer booting on Ubuntu for developing on ESP32. I already installed crosstool-ng. Should I follow again the procedure on top that was already installed?
3/ Do we have memory map?
4/ What about ease of use of dual-cores?

Thank you in advance,

Re: Availability of BLE functions in latest SDK v3.0?

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:21 pm
by ESP_Sprite
1) I don't think so.
2) If you got the SDK using Git, running 'git pull' should get you up-to-date.
3) Sorry, nope. It's not that useful anyway, the 'real' ESP32 is to be released pretty soon and it has a fairly different memory map.
4) Same as 3: the dual-core architecture has changed dramatically. The 'real' ESP32 is going to have a somewhat different SDK with native multicore multithreading.

Hope that helps.

Re: Availability of BLE functions in latest SDK v3.0?

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:11 pm
by WiFive
ESP_Sprite wrote:The 'real' ESP32 is going to have a somewhat different SDK with native multicore multithreading.
What is that SDK going to be called? Will it be under a different repo?

Re: Availability of BLE functions in latest SDK v3.0?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 8:16 am
by ESP_Sprite
Both good questions, and releasing that hasn't really had much discussion here, so take everything I say with a grain of salt :) I think it'll be under a different repo indeed, the makefile structure is different enough that it will break projects written with the old SDK. (Only very slightly, though, most people will only need to copy/paste a few new makefiles to their source dirs and that's it.) Out internal name for the thing is the not-so-imaginative 'sdkng', but we may call it something else once we release it.