- Are my ESP-32 boards running FreeRTOS? Or is that uploaded automatically by Arduino, when I submit my sketch?
- I didn't want an OS. I was looking forward to having full control over GPIO pin timings without worrying about other tasks, interrupts, etc. See below, about the PxMatrix library.
- If I must have an OS, can I pin my task to processor 1 and have exclusive use of it? I don't want to yield(). Also see below.
- Does this come with 4MB memory? I have read that online, but the data sheet says there's only about 500KB of flash, and on one of my programs, the Arduino IDE reports, "Sketch uses 225553 bytes (17%) of program storage space. Maximum is 1310720 bytes." Wikipedia says that the ESP32-WROOM-32D has 4MB flash.
- How fast is my processor? Can I change its speed? I notice that it has a 40MHz crystal, but I think one of the cores is running at 80MHz and the other runs at 240MHz? Or am I confused?
I downloaded the PxMatrix library and have installed a simple "BananaDance" demo from https://github.com/witnessmenow/LED-Mat ... ce-Display. It loads 8 frames of a famous dancing banana, and loops over those frames.
I notice that every 11 frames or so, the display blanks for a half second. I presume that's because my task is preempted.