Adding a pincode to a BLE connection
Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 6:47 pm
Hi !
I developed a device that sends a long password through BLE. It is based on BLEKeyboard library for arduino.
#include <BleKeyboard.h>
// Creating object
BleKeyboard bleKeyboard(DEVICE_NAME,"PassStrong",99);
if (bleKeyboard.isConnected()) {
To add a real security, I would like to add a pincode to the bluetooth connection. Any idea how I should modify the library to have this working in Arduino ?
Thanks a lot
I developed a device that sends a long password through BLE. It is based on BLEKeyboard library for arduino.
#include <BleKeyboard.h>
// Creating object
BleKeyboard bleKeyboard(DEVICE_NAME,"PassStrong",99);
if (bleKeyboard.isConnected()) {
To add a real security, I would like to add a pincode to the bluetooth connection. Any idea how I should modify the library to have this working in Arduino ?
Thanks a lot