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In production how and when does firmware get flashed

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 9:33 am
by ID89679475

If I have the ESP32 WROOM 32U unit placed on a pcb with a bunch of other components and I've written some app to run on it using the dev board. If I wanted to flash 1000 unit's onto a production pcb that didn't have the UART0 / EN pin's setup for flashing. At what point and how would my app get flashed onto the ESP32 WROOM?

I've seen the Frog Board ... ent-board/

which would be fine for doing a short run that you then soldered onto the pcb yourself but I'm thinking there must be some process with the pcb manufacturers that you send through your app and how you want the flash memory to be setup and then they have a large scale system to flash say 1000 unit's?


Re: In production how and when does firmware get flashed

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 10:45 am
by ESP_Sprite
You can contact us at if you want to arrange a run of pre-flashed Wrover modules. I'm not sure if 1000 pieces is more than the MOQ, though.