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Adding support of HTTP server on Amazon freeRTOS

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 4:27 pm
by Rajneesh

I am also working on Amazon freeRTOS platform and facing an issue to port/integrate HTTP server (as this is not available). So, I asked this questions to Amazon developer forum and they replied as below: ... dID=313477

They told me to contact with Espressif to get help. Can I get any help from here?

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you.

Re: Adding support of HTTP server on Amazon freeRTOS

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 9:40 pm
by warren
Take some time to explore the ESP32 API documentation at ... index.html.

There is some functionality here, though it may differ from what you're used to in POSIX/Linux/*BSD environments: ... erver.html

Re: Adding support of HTTP server on Amazon freeRTOS

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 12:49 am
by PeterR
Perfectly respectable webserver but lacks asynchronous and websockets. Bit of an dead end if you want to sockets, MQTT etc.
EDIT: Not sure why ESP created this when the contrib projects have added benefit of SSI etc.
Dont use ESP FATFS or SPIFFS filesystems (IMHO) if you have 1MB+ to load. Performance sucks big times and degrades according to file storage use. 100K ok, 1MB sucks, 2+MB and you are back to dial up speeds. Use makefsdata (see lwip). I gained 100x performance over SPIFFS with 2MB+ website.
The lwip webserver supports async (from my arm memory, I could return 'not done') & is more portable but still no websockets/MQTT.
I spent a day attempting to port the ardunio asynchronous webserver (which has sockets), bottled it & gave up, maybe I missed the point but there is a mismatch between IDF and server versons to resolve.
I will have to revisit Q2 and so if you make the port let me know, better post the port!