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Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 11:17 pm
by tomcat2900
Hello !

I want to make a WIFI network with up to ten ESP32 OR ESP8266 microcontrollers.

Assigned IP Addresses : .

Please tell me how can I send a text message from
one ESP module to another one based on IP addresses ?

My command should look like this :

SEND "text message" TO

I don't want to use the UDP protocol to broadcast the
message to all the network because of the data loss...

Can you help me, please ?

Thank You !


Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 7:18 pm
by PeterR
Have a look at the tcp client & server examples. TCP is a connection based protocol so its all or nothing.
Or setup an HTTP server and create an end point. That way you can test your server with a browser, cuts the debugging down. The sending ESP would use an Http client, again I am sure that there will be examples.

You will need to UDP, your own UDP code or mDNS, to announce the IP address of the devices on your network. Otherwise static addresses but that will be a pain.