how to TRIGGER BLE notification to client using Bluedroid stack
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 3:51 am
Hi guys,
I am looking for a way to automatically update the response of the gatt response that is based off the gatt-server-service-table. Specifically, i would like to update this example to be able to function like the NimBLE example "blehr" where the heart rate data is automatically sent from the esp32 to the phone App in intervals, say every second. For the blehr example, in the main loop there is a timer function
/* name, period/time, auto reload, timer ID, callback */
blehr_tx_timer = xTimerCreate("blehr_tx_timer", pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000), pdTRUE, (void *)0, blehr_tx_hrate);"
that calls the blehr_tx_hrate function every second and updates the heart beat rate to the phone App.
As I have no idea at all how to update the gatt response and update data fields for the Bluedroid stack, any clues would be appreciated, thanks.
I am looking for a way to automatically update the response of the gatt response that is based off the gatt-server-service-table. Specifically, i would like to update this example to be able to function like the NimBLE example "blehr" where the heart rate data is automatically sent from the esp32 to the phone App in intervals, say every second. For the blehr example, in the main loop there is a timer function
/* name, period/time, auto reload, timer ID, callback */
blehr_tx_timer = xTimerCreate("blehr_tx_timer", pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000), pdTRUE, (void *)0, blehr_tx_hrate);"
that calls the blehr_tx_hrate function every second and updates the heart beat rate to the phone App.
As I have no idea at all how to update the gatt response and update data fields for the Bluedroid stack, any clues would be appreciated, thanks.