A complete newbe here, waiting for my ESP32 development board. I will use this board mainly to do BLE, Classic Bluetooth and Wi-Fi stuff. Play around with packet capturing and see what frames look like. Got a few questions I hope someone can help answering.
1. Which OS should I aim for to get the best support in terms of drivers and APIs to the wirless parts?
2. Any good references to documentation/projects where people have been playing around with Wi-Fi/Bluetooth on this board?
Any other good tips/suggestions are very welcome. Thanks!
Which OS when focusing on Bluetooth + Wi-Fi?
Re: Which OS when focusing on Bluetooth + Wi-Fi?
think the OS don't matter for programming but I am using Ubuntu. See others using Windows and iOS or Ubuntu in a vitual box.
For BLE discovering I use a Android mobile APP from nordic "nRF Connect".
For a small BLE/WiFi example with esp-idf you can watch the samplecode here https://github.com/pcbreflux/espressif/ ... on_tracker and a demo here https://youtu.be/F4tMvfXDSbU.
think the OS don't matter for programming but I am using Ubuntu. See others using Windows and iOS or Ubuntu in a vitual box.
For BLE discovering I use a Android mobile APP from nordic "nRF Connect".
For a small BLE/WiFi example with esp-idf you can watch the samplecode here https://github.com/pcbreflux/espressif/ ... on_tracker and a demo here https://youtu.be/F4tMvfXDSbU.
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