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ESP-WROOM-32 initial status

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:01 am
by seopyoon

I am trying to make a circuitry, which resembles the Dev Kit C, but without the pinouts that are not needed.

I wonder, if I design it very similarly, with Silicon Labs UART to USB module and the micro USB as well, will I be able to programme to the board upon finishing up the board?

Will I be able to just run the following?

Code: Select all

make flash monitor
Or, if I cannot, what are some initial procedures before actually using the custom-made ESP 32 board with ESP-WROOM-32??
Thanks a lot in advance.

Re: ESP-WROOM-32 initial status

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:41 am
by WiFive
Yes as long as you can use the strapping pins to enter UART download mode.

Re: ESP-WROOM-32 initial status

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:38 pm
by ESP_Angus
To add to WiFive's comment, if you use the "Micro USB 5V & USB-UART" section from the Core Board schematic then you'll get the same auto-flash behaviour as the Core board has.

Suggest you also copy the pullup resistor and capacitor connected to the EN pin (R11 & C9), and update the value of C9 to 100nF or more in order to work around the problems with automatic flashing on the Core board in Windows (this modification is coming in the next Core board revision.)